A game by Harrison Dunn (CFHM) for Nitro Jam 2022

Surf the TV channels to try to attract the most viewers so you can feed them to the unknowable, hungering screen. One channel is randomly selected to draw the most viewers. Each time you feed, the "favorite" channel changes. Over time, the beast gets angrier and harder to please. 

Attract viewers. Feed the beast. How long before it's anger is too much too manage?


Click on-screen buttons

Keyboard :
Numpad/Numbers - pick channel numbers
Enter - submit channel
Up/Down Arrows - surf channels
Spacebar - feed the beast

Art, design, programming, font, SFX - Harrison Dunn
Music - Corey Murphy - find more music from Corey and his band here

Game created in Unity
Sprites created with Aseprite
Font created with help from Pixel Font Converter!

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